Episode 36

Franchise Advocacy Summit 2024


August 30th, 2024

25 mins 44 secs

Season 1

Your Hosts
Special Guests

About this Episode

IFA’s SVP of Government Relations and Public Affairs Michael Layman joins the podcast from the DNC Convention in Chicago.

Michael shares ideas on what to expect at the upcoming IFA Advocacy Summit in DC September 9 – 11 including relationship-building for the future with our representatives. We’re positioning Franchising for a big 2025 including tax reforms for small businesses after the current provisions expire in the coming year.

Also on this episode, we welcome Alex Porter. Alex is the CEO of Location3, a digital partner of many multi-location brands and a member of the IFA Supplier Forum Advisory Board. He joins us live today from Google HQ with the latest on what’s next for Franchise marketers!

Thanks to Hughes for your support.